Beat Back the Crazy: my 7 tips to organize everything
So, organizational systems are kind of my thing. I know, I know there are a million other blog posts about how to organize your closet, garage, desk, and underwear drawer, but this one is slightly different. I swear. For me, and anytime I sit down with my frazzled client or scattered friend I like to get to know their needs, what makes them happy, and what gets them out of bed in the morning. What does this have to do with organizing your life. Well, everything.
This is a first step in organizing. Think of it as a way to create your personal “organizational framework” and all the details come at a later point. These tips are a way to start and maintain that process, which can then be transformed into a plan of action to organize your office desk, your overflowing inbox(s), project files at work, your kids’ room, the fridge, oh I could go on and on there is so much to organize in this world.
- Find a system and stick with it – Going analog or digital, color coding or fancy bins from The Container Store it doesn’t quite matter just find something and stick with it. In the last few months I’ve switched my shopping over to an app (Our Groceries) and I’m loving it so far. Or for my mounting closet and clothing issue, I’ve been reading up and following through on the principles of a capsule wardrobe. I’ve also really enjoyed the blog Nourishing Minimalism. Part of struggle I think for any of us is decluttering. We all have TOO MUCH stuff. And this is often the root of why we need to organize in the first place.
- Make it easy and accessible – This one might be self explanatory and goes along with #1, but you need to pick a systems that flows with your style and everyday life. I’m never going to get my mom to organize things using her smart phone. She has one and it’s a miracle she can text and comment on things via FB. Love you mom, but it’s true. All that to say, use a system that fits your life and that excites you.
- Purge, repurge, purge again – Get used to the idea of getting rid of things. On a regular basis. And when you think you are done; you are not.
- Multitasking is a lie! – A while back my sister showed me this wonderful site that highlights some products that make you wonder why they exist. Yes, check out the greatness that is Unitasker Wednesday. I think these products are ridiculous, yes, but when it comes to working and concentrating on making organizing decisions I do not poke fun of unitasking. Sure, we women might say we can multitask but we never really do it that well. Just focus on one thing at a time. You’ll be done faster.
- Set priorities – When you sit down and organize, before starting set priories. I like to set a list of three things I would really like to accomplish, oh, and a time limit. Set a timer for how long you will spend.
- Set a plan for maintenance and make it fun – An older woman once told me life is simply maintenance. We exercise to maintain our bodies and health, we do the dishes so the kitchen does consume the rest of the house, and we tackle that inbox on a regular basis otherwise guess who is spending a whole Friday afternoon cleaning/purging 2,000+ emails. Yep, so pencil in a maintenance plan. It’s the number one way to beat back the crazy.
Hope that starts you on a path to organizing life!