Things I Read

I’m always reading. I see it as an occupational hazard of years in research, business intelligence, and usually being on the winning team of Trivial Pursuit games. It’s always a good thing to have something interesting to say at your next awkward social situation. Read more!

An on-going list that I highly recommend.

  1. Elements of the User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web and Beyond, J.J. Garrnett
  2. Information Architecture: For the Web and Beyond, Rosenfeld, Morville, & Arango
  3. Storytelling: Art and Technique, E. Greene & J.M. Del Negro
  4. The Design of Everyday Things, D. Norman
  5. Don’t Make me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, S. Krug
  6. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, C. Duhigg
  7. Outliers: The Story of Success, M. Gladwell
  8. Atlas of Science, K. Borner
  9. The Smart Swarm: How to Work Efficiently, Communicate Effectively, and Make Better Decisions Using the Secrets of Flocks, Schools, and Colonies, P. Miller
  10. The Most Human Human: What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us about Being Alive, B. Christian
  11. Now, Discover Your Strengths, M. Buckingham
  12. Eat, Shoots, and Leaves: A Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, L. Truss